The Ultimate Guide to Betta Genetics: Unlocking 7 Fascinating Secrets Behind Their Stunning Colors and Forms!

Guide to Betta Genetics Introduction Betta fish (Betta splendens), often referred to as Siamese fighting [...]

Boost Aquarium Health: The Power of Photosynthetic Bacteria (PSB) for Water Quality

Understanding Photosynthetic Bacteria (PSB) and Their Role in Aquariums Photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) are beneficial microorganisms [...]

Understanding the Phylogenetic Relationships of Southeast Asian Mouth-Brooding Betta Fighting Fish Based on Mitochondrial COI and Nuclear ITS1 DNA Sequences

Introduction: Astonishing phylogenetic relationships of mouth-brooding Betta The Betta genus, commonly known for the colorful [...]

Betta Fish and Children’s Mental Health

Betta Fish and Children’s Mental Health: How Caring for a Betta Fish Can Teach Responsibility [...]

What is Effective Microorganisms (EM)?

What is Effective Microorganisms (EM)? EM, short for Effective Microorganisms, refers to blends of bacteria [...]

Guardians of Life: The Marvelous Mouthbrooding Behavior of Betta Macrostoma 1 Jan 2024

Introduction: The Marvelous Mouthbrooding Behavior of Betta Macrostoma In the enchanting realm of Betta fish, [...]
